Arnold Gruntfuttock Jr medal 5000 1 year 117 days ago (Last edited by
Arnold Gruntfuttock Jr 1 year 117 days ago)
Why can we see driver stats in transfers but not in the academy. Considering you have to spend a shed load of tokens surely you should be able to see the stats. Also does the scout now button just change the list of drivers.
Ovih Sapiens medal 5072 SUPPORT AGENT 1 year 117 days ago
Hello Arnold,
Regarding the Driver stats in your academy, Jose Trujillo once said that it's like in real F1. You have several Drivers in your academy and picking one of them is a lottery. You might get one with good skills or one with no skills at all.
Austin Morvik medal 5000 1 year 116 days ago
Ovih provided the best possible response, only thing to add is yes, you are correct in that scout now does refresh the driver list. Perhaps you're luckier than me but after 8-10 refreshes I hadn't gotten a since T30 over 181mm lol, I personally won't refresh again.