Herbie Rides Again medal 5007 1 year 169 days ago (Last edited by
Herbie Rides Again 1 year 168 days ago)
Plain and simple I'm nor asking for the rules to be changed, IMO I still used two compounds in a dry race.
That's what it asks you to do and that's what I followed.
In a
DRY race with 2 tyre rule you have to use two
DRY compounds
DRY = SS, S, M or H (use any two of these in a
DRY race and you won’t be disqualified)
WET = I or W (use one of these in any 2 tyre rule
DRY race without using at least 2
DRY compounds and you will be disqualified)
These are rules of the game!
p.s. learn how to use advanced strategy correctly and this whole thread would have been avoided