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new season - something wrong with my design points. right?

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medal 5000
8 years 161 days ago
today i finished my season here
i went to see how was my car for the new season and this is what i have.

is this right? i think my 13 in acceleration might be wrong as the 1 in downforce.
i have +1bonus because of Murk but... 13?

and my chief designer has downforce as strength.

just to be sure, if the new game has this as a random thing, or it's connected with how was my car before the end of the season, i might even like it
medal 5000
8 years 160 days ago

Yous already know I just reminding yous, system has strength and weakness back to front.
medal 5000
8 years 160 days ago
Just about to post about this too, but you did it first..

My CD had strength on fuel economy.. but my new car design are opposite that!

What are new car design based on?
medal 5413 CEO & CTO
8 years 160 days ago
Is that the only designer you had during the previous season James? Or was there another designer for part of it?

It's not just based on the current designer, it's developed throughout the whole season. I just looked at the code and can't see how it can be inverted, but with several people saying this now I suppose it could be!
medal 5000
8 years 159 days ago
Exact same pattern for me. Designer with down force strength and new downforce at level 1. Except my other design areas are higher reflecting my level cap of 9. I joined the league mid season.
medal 5000
8 years 159 days ago
I think they are backwards right now. If I remember correctly, Jack said he was looking into this.
medal 5000
8 years 159 days ago
yes, they are looking into all, doing a great job. we have to write and wait, answers and solutions are coming non-stop.

(maybe too much strength on downforce could break it :P)
medal 5000
8 years 159 days ago
It the only designer I have had all season, you need to remember he had 18talent & 20 experience & morale before you chopped his legs off to make him 12 in everything lol
medal 5000
8 years 159 days ago
Would a simple fix not be to just change the wording around on the CD's profile have weakness at the top & strength at the bottom?
Would save you searching through the coding looking for the mix up.
medal 5413 CEO & CTO
8 years 159 days ago
I've merged the two threads on this.

The issue was not what it seemed, it was not simply an inversion of the attributes.

I've fixed it now so it shouldn't happen again. Although, bear in mind that with the way the game works now, next season designs are built up across the entire season. That means if you're part way through a season, the designs will likely still be affected by this issue even if they are only "revealed" in a few days or when the next season starts.
medal 5000
8 years 159 days ago
So does this mean that if a team chooses to save up design points over the course of a season, they will have more design points to assign at the beginning of the following season?
medal 5413 CEO & CTO
8 years 159 days ago
No, design points are wiped at the end of a season. They should be allocated during the season.
medal 5000
8 years 159 days ago
So does this mean that if a team chooses to save up design points over the course of a season, they will have more design points to assign at the beginning of the following season?

Don't know how you are reading that out of Jack's post.

He is basically saying that, if you e.g. hire a CD with acceleration as strengh at the end of the season, while you had your older CD for 15-16 races of that season with acceleration as weakness, your acceleration at the beginning of the new season would be under average.

(as the new design is like an average over all races with the CD stats at those particular times).

However, there was apparently a bug in this code, so that will not neccesarly be true for the coming season, especially when the majority of races where held before the bug was repaired ( I guess that would be today).
medal 5000
8 years 159 days ago
Thank you both for clearing that up
medal 5000
8 years 159 days ago
is this fixed? my braking is at 1...then again this could be correct....
(have no idea how to post a pic on the forum
medal 5413 CEO & CTO
8 years 159 days ago
The bug that caused values to be off is fixed, but I have no way of fixing values that were impacted by the bug. All the bug caused was some points to be on one attribute rather than another, and only for some teams. It did not cost you any points on the design overall, the overall amount of points is the same as it would be.
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