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Too much fuel

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medal 5004
209 days ago
Was hast du versucht zu tun?
I'm in a no refuel league. My two drivers had the same fuel consumption in training an in the race. But Hunt had 17-20 L more fuel in the race

Was ist stattdessen passiert?
But Hunt had 17-20 L more fuel  in the race

Passierte das Problem, während du WLAN, Mobile Daten oder beides genutzt hast?

Ist dieser Fehler in der App, auf dem PC oder auf beiden Plattformen aufgetreten?

Welches Gerät?

Welches Betriebssystem?

Auf welcher Version ist dein Betriebssystem?

Kann der Fehler wiederholt werden?
No idea

Zusätzlicher Kommentar:
medal 5606 Super Mod
209 days ago

I could do with some extra information, Did you set your fuel load manually for the race under advanced strategy? Or did you leave it at the defaults?
medal 5004
208 days ago
Default. And default is that both have the same fuel load. But today again hunt 12 L more. 
medal 4789 Community Manager
208 days ago

Default fuel load could be affected by the number of practice laps ran. Are you running practice laps only with one driver?
medal 5004
207 days ago
Nope 5 laps (the maximum) for each driver 
medal 4789 Community Manager
207 days ago
According to logs your fuel load for today’s race is 77 L and 75 L is that right? This was saved manually, so there’s nothing to do with your claims about default fuel. This is getting a bit confusing for us.
medal 5004
207 days ago (Last edited by E S 207 days ago)
TODAY i made the fuel manually that is correct. But in the races before the default fuel was atleast 12L more fore my driver Hunt.  After Red wrote about default and manually fuel i manually made the fuel because when i clicked on advanced strategy Hunt had per default 12L or something in that area more than my other driver. But in the 3 races ( the first three in my current league) before today i didnt to advanced strategy.
medal 5004
207 days ago (Last edited by E S 205 days ago)
For the hungary race today both of my drivers have the same fuel consumption on average and on their fastest lap in practice but when i clicked on advanced strategy hunt had like 7 L more fuel. 
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