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Engine bug

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medal 5000
8 years 159 days ago
im just 3 races in to a new season and ive just noticed before the 3rd race i only had 8 engines left on a 2 car team with 19 races left to get refilled.

surley i should have 20 if i havnt replace an engine which i cant be sure but at least i should have 18 minimum left.

medal 5416 CEO & CTO
8 years 159 days ago
Hi Jason,
There was an error with the restocking as you correctly point out. I have corrected this and will manually give everyone in your league an additional 10 engines.
medal 5000
8 years 159 days ago
thanks jack much appreciated
medal 5206
8 years 154 days ago
I just wanted to bump this topic because I believe I've also suffered through this bug. I should've just received a fresh supply of engines, but right now I'm sitting at 2 units with 20 races until restock.
medal 5416 CEO & CTO
8 years 154 days ago (edited 8 years 154 days ago)
I just uploaded some changes to the functions relating to engine stocks, so maybe that will improve things in future.

Edit: In the meantime I just updated your engine stock, Jim.
medal 5206
8 years 154 days ago
Thank you! :)
medal 5000
8 years 154 days ago
This also happened to me. Instead of restocking when it should, it seem to be restocking around when I'm 17 races to the next restock or something.
medal 5000
8 years 151 days ago
After getting a restock of engines yesterday I still see 0days until next restock. Should it not of updated to 20 after midnight?
medal 5416 CEO & CTO
8 years 151 days ago
The restock is today, that's why it says 0 races. It will restock at the next race.
medal 5000
8 years 151 days ago (edited 8 years 151 days ago)
So it takes a race to reset the countdown

I just had in my head. 20-1 race(s) to restock, after the 1 and getting engines resetting to 20. didnt think there would of been a 0
medal 5000
8 years 151 days ago

So the zero is 20 just the 2 is missing
medal 5416 CEO & CTO
8 years 150 days ago
I thought it was clearer that you'd get the restock in the upcoming race if it said 0.
medal 5000
8 years 144 days ago
My engines didn't restock after my restock race. This is a big problem because I only have one engine remaining with a restock in 18 races. This doesn't look correct. I had one spare engine, when the 'restockrace' occurred, and I still have only one now...

(I posted this comment earlier in the wrong thread)
medal 5416 CEO & CTO
8 years 144 days ago
I found a problem with the restock counter on the cars page and patched it. Your next engine restock is due in 2 races Fernando, it was a mistake that it was showing 18 races, sorry about that. :)
medal 5000
8 years 144 days ago
My engine restock was 0 races and now is 4. You found a bug jack. But i think that see 0 races to restock is wrong. Think that better see 1race to restock and when finish this race, add engines and reset countdown. other question in each engine restock how many engines add? 20?
medal 5416 CEO & CTO
8 years 144 days ago (edited 8 years 144 days ago)
10 engines per car are added, so 20 in a 2-car league and 10 in a 1-car league.

EDIT: Javier, I've implemented your suggestion, see this thread:
medal 5000
8 years 144 days ago
better now ;)
medal 5000
8 years 142 days ago
I found a problem with the restock counter on the cars page and patched it. Your next engine restock is due in 2 races Fernando, it was a mistake that it was showing 18 races, sorry about that. :)

Really happy that this game is actually evolving, and that bugs get fixed. Loving the new game, keep up the good work and thanks for fixing the problem! :-)
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