Skid Solo medal 5259 1 year 121 days ago (Last edited by
Skid Solo 1 year 121 days ago)
Another problem I’ve experienced is that all discussion is always about elite in nearly all leagues. There is no engagement in rookie and pro it’s a case of bide your time, level up and become relevant when you join elite. That was my experience and what I see to this day.
This may differ to other peoples experiences and it may not be an issue to some. However, if your joining a game and you have nobody to engage with for rivalry, support and humour how is that a good experience for a new player?
IGP should create and host specific leagues based on level for rookie (1-9) and pro (10-19) that automatically funnel players into them and kicks them with a message when they exceed the level cap at the end of the season. Players can leave to join other leagues but I think this would lead to better player interaction and a better game experience for lower levels/new players.
On account creation the game could ask the player are you new to IGP or are you experienced at IGP? Thus funnelling new players and not alt accounts into these leagues.
Probably would need to set up a rule 1-2 weeks inactive/no set up = kick.
Instead of rookie, pro, elite, for these leagues you’d have rookie c, rookie b rookie a and the same for pro. You would need a mod to check and manage the leagues.
You could link the rules of the league to a locked forum post to introduce them to the world of IGP forums.
Some good ideas here , many of which have been suggested before, but also some unnecessary over complication.
These starter leagues should be auto hosted with no need for human interaction (mods haven’t got the time to do this either), nor does there need to be so many categories. They should purely exist to attract new players who hopefully will reach the required level for joining a human hosted league (currently Elite). There should be a much tougher hurdle to creating a league and a purge of existing leagues that don’t really have enough active players to be viable. Consider this a reset of the league structure. Also too many people talk about hosts as league owners, they aren’t, they just have the privilege of hosting on iGP’s behalf and some have had this privilege taken away when they start ‘it’s my league I can do what I want etc’. Less leagues at Elite level will lead to those that remain being fuller and more active which can only be good for the game.
The challenge is to one that exists today and that is how can teams migrate from starter leagues into active Elite Leagues without being outclassed and this is something that iGP needs to think about because there doesn’t seem to be an easy answer