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5 red stars

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medal 5000
8 years 158 days ago
Hello again, what does mean 5 red stars by my driver, also in the las training, my driver go only 5 points, in every push, why it's so low improvement? thanks
medal 5000
8 years 158 days ago
Hi your driver has his maximum rating 9 level as your team so his training progress lowers and for now any attribute over 9 won;t increase but maybe soon;)
medal 5000
8 years 158 days ago
Thank you Sam for the info. I'm also curious as to what the half-stars mean? I've seen people with 5 gold stars, level 4. Also, I have a driver with 5 and a half stars, but level 5. Is that the potential ceiling?
medal 5000
8 years 158 days ago
The Stars represent the driver's lvl regarding to yours. So me best guess would also be, that your driver showing 5.5 stars as lvl 5 regarding to your lvl 5, means that is somewhat close to lvl 6.

But we will propably see this only in our lvl range I guess.
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