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DST change - league host AWOL

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medal 5714
1 year 121 days ago
League id 53993 Transatlantic Racing League. Our host has been absent for a while, not sure why, so the time cannot be adjusted.
Time is set for 1800 hrs for Mondays race. Can you reset our time to 1900 hrs please. 1900 hrs was the original time before end of DST.
medal 5073 SUPPORT AGENT
1 year 120 days ago
Hello Chris,

I've changed the time to 19:00 as you requested. In addition, I've made you the new host of the league to prevent problems like these from arising.
medal 5714
1 year 120 days ago
Thanks Ovih. What do I need to know to be league host?
medal 5466 Super Mod
1 year 120 days ago
Hello Chris,

The League Host Guide would be a good place for you to start studying what you need to know, to be league host. It is a few years old, but as far as I know, the information in it should still be relevant.
League Host Guide

If you have any questions about hosting leagues, or any problems arise in future, feel free to create a new thread and moderators/community members will be happy to help. :-)
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