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Chassis Development and Engine

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medal 5900
1 year 115 days ago
When is Chassis Manufacturing going to be enabled? I have completed Level 30 and should be 31 now but i have hit the max. Current engine development really isnt really advantageous the way its been set up even at Level 30, i mean what is the point of us investing our time into the game when everyone is essentially running same strategies once they all level up. You have not only hampered some of us by limiting our progress but you have also reduced our development powers too.. come on guys this needs sorting otherwise why bother with any progression level ups.... 
medal 6094
1 year 109 days ago
I know the developers are very aware of the issues higher levels experience and hopefully they will address it as a priority.
No-one knows when chassis manufacturing will be enabled or even what it will be, so I don't think there is much point me speculating about that. I must say though that I hope they leave it at L30 and don't add any more because the leagues system is bad enough with 30 levels!
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