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medal 5717
1 year 115 days ago

Power Tracks are those tracks that have less downforce. These F1 tracks have long straights and high-speed corners. So, cars with low downforce and good horsepower will have an upper hand during the race. (

Downforce Design Point improves high-speed cornering (iGP Manager - Cars)

I'm confuse !!!

I'll be more than glad with an explanation, please !!! My brain has crashed lol !!!
Thanks in advance !!!

long story short - the Downforce Design Point improves the efficiency of the downforce components. more grip, or the same grip, and less drag. 

Generating more downforce without having to add more wing angle where adding wing angle creates more drag. I think the confusion is in downforce itself and wing angle. Long straights where you want higher top speed means less wing angle, fast corners require the car to still be able to stay on the track at high speed so either add more wing angle, or improve the other downforce components and lower the wing angle. 

low speed turns use mechanical grip (suspension and tyre pressure for example) mid speed uses a combination of mechanical grip and downforce. 

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