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Tires replacing during Start

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medal 5402
1 year 95 days ago
What did you try to do?
I planned start on Intermediate. If rain depth over 3 mm then start on Full wet.

What happened instead?
My qualification was on FullWet (maybe during Qualification was 3mm rainy depth) and the reduced to 2.8 on start.
And 6 pilots qualified on Full Wet, but on startgrid was only 4 pilots on full wet.
Why did one team have their tires replaced and other two teams not?

i think only one reason to replace tires by Tyrrel team (leage Autopoligon, race - Singapore 23/11/2023):
Manager planned to start on Full Wet, and choose Replaced Intemediate if depth above 0 mm. But there is no difference. these strategies are equal in this  weather conditions
Can the bug be reproduced?
I think it is smth in game algorithm

medal 5118 Super Mod
1 year 95 days ago
Hi Adrian.

Was this race an online or offline race?

If offline, the simplest explanation would be due to advanced strategy.

If the rain stopped on the grid, if setup the correct way then the tyres would have changed.

If it was a live race. everybody should have had the ability to change their tyres on the grid.

Without a bit more information I can't really help further i'm afraid.
medal 5402
1 year 94 days ago
It was online Race. And I came into game on the grid or little later, I don't remember ))
And what means everyone can change tires after qualification? I can do nothing with strategy and car before 10 min to race. How can I replace the tires??? I know nothing about this feature, if it really is
Advanced strategy was the best choise: start on intermediate, if depth over 3mm start on wet. During start there were 2.8 mm depth.
medal 5118 Super Mod
1 year 94 days ago
Hi Adrian. It's a standard feature. I'll explain it for you.

In a dry race, tyres can not be changed on the grid.

in a wet race, drivers that are online between 8 mins and 1 min (not it may be 30 seconds or 1 min 30 seconds) have the option to make a change to their tyres. You would have the choice of:

a) your starting tyre as defined in your Main strategy
b) Interemediates
c) Wet Weather tyres.

In theory, you should be able to interact with this in your pit stop management window, but it does not always behave itself. I find the most reliable way to do this, is to tap the hammer and spanner icon at the top of the screen and then the green arrow pointing left to stint 1.

In a wet race, or if there is water on the track. You will be able to choose from the tyres mentioned above, and change your fuel while on the grid.

note: If you have intermediates or wets selected as the first tyre in your main strategy. No dry tyre option will be available.

The explanation is a little convoluted sorry, but I hope it helps you. Any clarifications required please feel free to ask.
medal 5602
1 year 92 days ago

Hi Adrian. It's a standard feature. I'll explain it for you.

In a dry race, tyres can not be changed on the grid.

in a wet race, drivers that are online between 8 mins and 1 min (not it may be 30 seconds or 1 min 30 seconds) have the option to make a change to their tyres. You would have the choice of:

a) your starting tyre as defined in your Main strategy
b) Interemediates
c) Wet Weather tyres.

In theory, you should be able to interact with this in your pit stop management window, but it does not always behave itself. I find the most reliable way to do this, is to tap the hammer and spanner icon at the top of the screen and then the green arrow pointing left to stint 1.

In a wet race, or if there is water on the track. You will be able to choose from the tyres mentioned above, and change your fuel while on the grid.

note: If you have intermediates or wets selected as the first tyre in your main strategy. No dry tyre option will be available.

The explanation is a little convoluted sorry, but I hope it helps you. Any clarifications required please feel free to ask.

OK, thanks, I'll try it next time
medal 5402
1 year 85 days ago
Thank you
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