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pit crew not effective

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medal 5157
1 year 77 days ago
so in my league me and my friends decided to check the effect on pit crew

he put it at the lowest pay and mine is on the highest pay

we pitted almost the same time and he left earlier than me 

his pit times on lowest pit salary was 2.8 to 3.2 max 

mine 3.1 3.3 and slowest was 3.8

so i dont get this they are ineffective ? 

this is the 3rd race we tried it 

Best Solution -- Selected by José Trujillo

medal 5118 Super Mod
1 year 77 days ago
So what you are saying is that the pit crew's are trained in the same way. And perform in a similar way, but at the moment you are seeing a slight benefit to the team paying lower wages. I would suggest that it's possible this is just random variance. You will need quite a large data set to confirm this.

As the stats are the same you should be expecting similar results. Over time your crew's morale will diverge. Perhaps that will bring more change.
medal 5038
1 year 77 days ago
Are they both trained identically across the 4 attributes. If so then the salary only has a very small impact but this grows over time.
medal 6026
1 year 77 days ago
I confirm. My pit crew is equally trained between the characters but even with max wage the morals are weak.

The times between minimum and max wages are 0,1s on average.
medal 5118 Super Mod
1 year 77 days ago
So what you are saying is that the pit crew's are trained in the same way. And perform in a similar way, but at the moment you are seeing a slight benefit to the team paying lower wages. I would suggest that it's possible this is just random variance. You will need quite a large data set to confirm this.

As the stats are the same you should be expecting similar results. Over time your crew's morale will diverge. Perhaps that will bring more change.
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