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Inactive account, 156 mil debt

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medal 5000
1 year 51 days ago
I kinda stopped racing a while back due to some IRL reasons, now I'm back and I'm 156 mil in debt. While I'm clawing back 5 mil a day, I just want to know if there is a faster way to get through this (other than tokens). Appreciate any help. 
medal 6103
1 year 50 days ago
Nope )
Dnt hire stuff and personal.
Sponsor: iRacing + wtf
Please note that in order to get the second payments (bonus) you have to fulfill the sponsors' task.
Tip - fill MORE fuel than necessary, sponsors in this case will only ask you to drive to the finish line.
U MUST check the store - u need to buy special offers for 1 and 3 tokens, where the exchange for money.
Dnt spend tokens to buy engines, one engine should be enough for two races, and after the second race you can run several fast races.
medal 5444 Super Mod
1 year 50 days ago
Welcome back to iGP Manager.

The following thread details some additional ways that may help you to recover your in-game debts.
medal 5000
1 year 50 days ago
Thanks a lot guys! Fingers crossed i get through this slump soon!
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