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whıch motors?

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medal 5000
1 year 40 days ago (Last edited by Fatih TERİM 1 year 40 days ago)
Whıch motors ıs the best at the beginings? Murk or Wonder?
medal 5019
1 year 40 days ago

Whıch motors ıs the best at the beginings? Murk or Wonder?

I’d chose the acceleration bonus over fuel efficiency so Murk for me
medal 5607
1 year 39 days ago
It depends on what your FE (Fuel Economy) stats are.
Since you're a Rookie I advice you the following:

Make sure your FE is as close as possible to 15. Above it is fine. Try to not go below it though.
Since switching from Wonder to Murk will deduct 16 FE points try to use DP (Design Points) to get your FE to 31. Then start using Murk. 
What I said however only matters when you cannot refuel during the race. If you can then Murk is always better.
Once you've promoted to Pro you should focus on getting your FE to 30 at minimum.

I know this final bit will be shameless promotion, but join our league and Discord server as we got lots of experienced players that could help you improve. If you'd want to join click on my name, then stats and then join the league I'm currently in.

Having said that I hope you can improve with the current advice that I've given you.
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