Sam Leo medal 5000 8 years 148 days ago
I was training Physical and my driver maxed stamina = 20 after that i was keep training him to lower his weight but sometimes Stamina pop up maybe 2 or 3 times in a row. Normally when is stamina message is "+1 Stamina" or is "-Weight" for my just say "Stamina" with no Effect. Driver is at Reserve but Stamina didn't drop 19 as i am Training all the time Physical.
Thanks in Advance
Joey McLane medal 5000 8 years 143 days ago
I think we need new possibilities to train weight especially if the driver reaches 5 stars and only gains 1% per training.
Kevin Bissell medal 5079 Super Mod 8 years 143 days ago
Maybe just have drivers always lose weight every time you press on the training button regardless of what attributes you are training. How about weight loss between 0.1 - 0.2kg per training session (button press) the actual amount being linked to the ability of the Doctor.
Sam Leo medal 5000 8 years 143 days ago
@Race normally the drivers losing 5k i think thats better;)
Looks good Kevin;)
Ayrton Senna medal 5000 8 years 128 days ago
now we have drivers with 49-51kg, with another system to loss more weight, passing years we'll have a anorexyc drivers?
and now 49-51 are not realistic.
we need new and more skills to train