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Exclude track from randomising

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medal 5000
1 year 26 days ago

Is there a way to exclude certain tracks from randomising? For example in the picture attached i excluded the 2 tracks on the right, but when the new season(s) start i still get China or Russia in the calendar. 

medal 5144 Super Mod
1 year 26 days ago
The short answer is... "No"

If you choose to manually create next seasons calendar, those on the left are the ones you have selected and are in the order which they will be raced (you can drag them up and down to change order). The remaining circuits on the right hand side will not be raced.

Alternatively you can allow the game to randomly select next season's calendar. If you choose this option you cannot exclude circuits, the game will choose the circuits and randomise the order in which they will be raced.
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