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IGP Servers for Asia

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medal 6322
1 year 16 days ago
Hello. This is probably my first time posting so I apologize if rules werent followed. I have connection issues for the past month. I currently reside on East Asia and playing on a Spanish league. League races start at 11pm JST. I have decent internet connection speed. I would like help on what may be the cause of this issue or should I play on a league thats closer to where I reside.
medal 5118 Super Mod
1 year 16 days ago
Hi Aya.

I would suggest checking your internet connection in a little bit more detail. 

What I have found personally is that the speed is not the most important part of the connection. You also need good "Latency", "Jitter" and Packet Loss.

When I play on wifi in my own home, iGP is virtually unplayable. Yet with ethernet cable I have zero problems. (Strangely playing on 4G is also better than on wifi.)

I can't answer the question on whether finding a league closer to where you live will help. It would depend where iGP's severs are based in general, and how they are allocated to races and I don't have the answer to that sorry.
medal 5657 Community Manager
1 year 16 days ago
All our servers are located in Europe so the ping as Red Craigie said is the main problem.
medal 5657 Community Manager
1 year 2 days ago
Aya this is the thread you were looking for in DM!
medal 6322
1 year 2 days ago
Thank you for the assistance Jose. Ive checked with my internet connection's ping and jitter and I could say that it is decent. I play on PC and mobile app. This is probably the  only time I experienced this bad of a connection for about 1 year of playing. Since the servers are on the Europe Server, the only thing that I can do is have a VPN? I already have cleared cache for my browser and app.
medal 5118 Super Mod
1 year 2 days ago
Hi Aya, having a VPN doesn't change anything about where your connection originates from, it is unlikely to improve anything, although possibly it could alter the route that your connection takes from your device to the server, so it might be worth a go.

With the infrastructure of the internet as it is, your connection will move through many points between your device and the iGP servers. There could be a problem in the route which neither you or iGP can see.

You can try run a traceroute to the IP address of iGP's servers if you have one, but these days that often doesn't work as many of the relays are protected and don't respond to queries, resulting in it providing no useful information.

(Sorry I've gotten quite technical here, also i'm sure there are some experts in the field about shaking their head at my explanation.)

Did anything at all change when you started experiencing issues? Device, Internet provider, The time that you race at? Anything else that I haven't thought of?
medal 5657 Community Manager
1 year 2 days ago
Just for the record what you said about

Ive checked with my internet connection's ping and jitter and I could say that it is decent.

That’s the ping between your device and your internet provider. Nothing related to our servers.
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