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Reserve designer

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medal 5145
1 year 15 days ago
If I hire a reserve designer whose strength is tire economy will I see the benefit of that for my next race or will the designer have to be the primary for that to happen? I have a chief designer who’s strength is downforce and I want to keep her as chief.
medal 5736 Moderator
1 year 15 days ago
Hello Michael, 

Only the active designer will bring a benefit. The others will be paid but will have no impact on your design.
medal 5145
1 year 15 days ago
medal 5019
1 year 14 days ago
I even think the active cd needs to have at least 6 races in that season to take effect but I could be wrong 
medal 5145
1 year 14 days ago
Sounds good. I’ve had the chief for a few seasons and she’s done really well. I thought having a reserve designer could help with my car but I’ve won numerous races and championships with the one.
medal 5118 Super Mod
1 year 14 days ago

I even think the active cd needs to have at least 6 races in that season to take effect but I could be wrong 

I can state confidently that this is incorrect.
medal 5144 Super Mod
1 year 14 days ago
I even think the active cd needs to have at least 6 races in that season to take effect but I could be wrong 

Wow, you've either been playing this game for a long time or are being advised be a veteran manager.

Just to be clear, this used to be the case about 4 years ago when the Elite cars had a 1-100 design range and a start of season cap of 50dp per attribute. You needed a CD to be active for 6 races in order to achieve the cap at the beginning of the next season. 

Since the design range was increased to 1-200 and the number of next season dp generated by a CD per race was reduced and the cap removed this no longer applies. The CD strength is now primarily used to improve research, next season start design is only a secondary consideration in leagues which forbid resetting between seasons.
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