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Viewing for league host

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medal 5692
341 days ago
As a league host, with team in Elite, is it possible to view races/comments in Rookie and Pro races without having a team of my own in them? If not, it would be useful to see how the lower tiers are getting on, or not.
medal 5019
341 days ago
As a league host, with team in Elite, is it possible to view races/comments in Rookie and Pro races without having a team of my own in them? If not, it would be useful to see how the lower tiers are getting on, or not.

Indeed, a sort of chatlog for the host (for all tiers) would be useful 

medal 5144 Super Mod
341 days ago
Yes Chris, you can view the races and read race chat just like anyone else, unfortunately you can't comment yourself unless you are actually competing in the race. It would be great if the Devs would consider removing this limitation for the league host.
medal 5019
341 days ago

Yes Chris, you can view the races and read race chat just like anyone else, unfortunately you can't comment yourself unless you are actually competing in the race. It would be great if the Devs would consider removing this limitation for the league host.

Kevin, I think you misunderstood, if the host is racing in elite tier, that host can’t spectate the pro and rookie race as he’s racing himself at exactly the same time.

That's why a chatlog would be useful, that way the host can monitor chatter in pro and rookie
medal 5692
341 days ago
Spot on Sledge
medal 5144 Super Mod
341 days ago (Last edited by Kevin Bissell 340 days ago)
Sorry, you're right, I misunderstood. But would a chatlog make any sense if you couldn't see how the race was progressing?

As for the original post...
As a league host, with team in Elite, is it possible to view races/comments in Rookie and Pro races without having a team of my own in them? If not, it would be useful to see how the lower tiers are getting on, or not.

Yes, if you use a laptop you can spectate the other two tiers at the same time as you race by using multiple tabs or browsers. However, for me it would be impossible, multi-tasking is not my forte.
medal 5019
341 days ago
Sorry, you're right, I misunderstood. But would a chatlog make any sense if you couldn't see how the race was progressing?

If you use a laptop you can spectate the other two tiers at the same time as you race by using multiple tabs or browsers. However, for me it would be impossible, multi-tasking is not my forte.

Yes it would make sense in monitoring offensive language or getting a sense why post-race a league board exploded.  if that happens today, you’re totally in the dark as host

medal 5685 Community Manager
341 days ago
For that reason we’ve moderators.
medal 5019
340 days ago

For that reason we’ve moderators.

They moderate live race-chat as well?
medal 5685 Community Manager
340 days ago

They moderate live race-chat as well?

Yes, if we receive a report we can check the chat logs.

medal 5019
340 days ago


They moderate live race-chat as well?

Yes, if we receive a report we can check the chat logs.

Well the suggestion was to make all tier chatlog available (only available for league host), could prevent reports or at the very least, the host knows what’s going on in all tiers
medal 5685 Community Manager
340 days ago
It’s really complicated to do such integration for a simple reason, could cause a problem in the performance of the device in which the host is playing. It’s always better to let mod deal with this! Thank you.
medal 5692
340 days ago


They moderate live race-chat as well?

Yes, if we receive a report we can check the chat logs.

If you (mods) can view the chat logs post race then why not allow the league host to have access to them post race? That way the host is still able to monitor his/her entire league, otherwise there could be 'civil war' going on without knowing.

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