Michael Bragg medal 5111 278 days ago
Recently a new manager joined F1 International in the Elite tier. He has five wins and is a level 12 driver. However in Pro the future champion manager is level 17 with 30 wins but most likely will be racing in Pro again after the last race tomorrow in a new season. How is that possible?
José Trujillo medal 5722 Community Manager 278 days ago
Hey Michael,
As you can see from his league history his previous league doesn’t exist anymore.
This makes me think he got the promotion racing against inactive teams.
I’ve decided to relegate him to Pro tier for a better experience and learning curve.
Michael Bragg medal 5111 277 days ago
Thank you. Just seemed weird that the top manager in Pro was at level 17 but a level 12 manager with a handful of wins was in Elite was a bit weird to me.