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Weather Glitched - Merged thread

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medal 5062
337 days ago (Last edited by Kevin Bissell 336 days ago)
¿Qué has intentado hacer?
ello everyone.

Today while setting up the account, the temperature does NOT match what it shows me during the race. The strategy says 15º, but during the race, it's 25º.

¿Qué es lo que ocurrió?

¿El problema ocurrió mientras usaba wi-fi, datos móviles o ambos?

¿El error se produjo en la app, en PC o en ambos?

¿Qué sistema operativo posee su PC?
W10 64B

¿En qué navegador ha experimentado el problema?

¿Se puede reproducir el error?
I dont know

Comentarios adicionales:
medal 5325
337 days ago (Last edited by Kevin Bissell 336 days ago)
The weather at Italy is glitched? hasn't rained for hours and the track water is stuck at 1.6mm 

My league has a race in 20 mins, let's see how it goes. 

UPDATE: It just started raining (20 mins before lights out), so I hope the track water varies with time. 
medal 5006
337 days ago
Was hast du versucht zu tun?
388 / 5.000
I play IGP via Microsoft Edge browser. I just competed in the Japanese GP. In the setup the weather information was 13 degrees rain. The strategy settings show 17 degrees of sunshine.
I'm assuming it's wet but will dry off.
However, the race is wet throughout.
Please fix the BUG with different weather information in setup and strategy.

Was ist stattdessen passiert?
The race was completly rain

Passierte das Problem, während du WLAN, Mobile Daten oder beides genutzt hast?

Ist dieser Fehler in der App, auf dem PC oder auf beiden Plattformen aufgetreten?

Welches Betriebssystem ist auf deinem PC?
WIN 10

In welchem Browser ist der Fehler aufgetreten?
Microsoft Edge

Kann der Fehler wiederholt werden?
I did not know yet

Zusätzlicher Kommentar:
medal 5715
337 days ago
J’ai le même problème.
Pluie sur l’écran d’accueil mais aucun mm ou des points d’interrogation concernant les mm.
Hier j’avais sur l’écran d’accueil de la pluie et quand j’allais pour faire les essais c’était soleil 
medal 5121
337 days ago
It is still 1.6mm and hasn't rained in a while. 
medal 5000
337 days ago
Homepage shows overcast & 11degrees, and so does the Setup page when it first loads in - however after completing the practice lap the weather is indicated as sunny & 15degrees.
I go back to the homepage again its showing overcast & 11degrees
medal 5690
337 days ago
I am about same problem, before start race with 23°c and when is off light for start is down at 8°c in Austin, is imposible down 15°c in one second, and for this in me league we have a lot problems with the fuel because not have refilled
medal 5078 Super Mod
336 days ago (Last edited by Kevin Bissell 336 days ago)
The Mods are merging all threads relating to this weather bug.

Volunteers have been testing and discussing this issue since yesterday and as far as we can tell the home page is displaying the live feed from OpenWeather but the Simulator weather is frozen and hasn't updated since some time yesterday.

To understand the current weather conditions that the sim is using, our best advice is to either:

  1. Run a practice lap and make a note of the weather conditions displayed immediately after the lap is completed or

  2. Spectate a race at the same circuit as the one you're next racing at.

Apologies for the inconvenience, as and when we have more information we will advise. 

medal 5505
336 days ago
thank you Kevin!
medal 5690
336 days ago
Good morning, I see that the bug problems with the weather still persist, is there an update?  Do you know if something can be done?  type postpone races, repeat them, any update in the game that implies cancellation of races?
medal 5229
336 days ago
For now you have to use the workaround how Kevin explained above.

The iGP-guys are working on it and hoping to solve it asap.
medal 5078 Super Mod
336 days ago
Currently iGP Management are unavailable. One is unwell and the other travelling over the Easter period. 

For the races, the weather conditions at all circuits are fixed at a value on Thursday when the glitch occurred. I appreciate it's not ideal, but until the race sim can be reconnected to the live weather feed (and I can't give timescales for this) we're just going to have to live with it.

On a positive note, at least we know what weather conditions and temperature we're going to experience in the race and can set up accordingly.

If I can find time today I will list the conditions at all 24 circuits which will be some help.

Again, really sorry to everyone for the inconvenience but the bug has appeared at absolutely the worst time when it comes to iGP staff availability.
medal 5078 Super Mod
336 days ago (Last edited by Kevin Bissell 335 days ago)
Current race conditions:

  • Abu Dhabi - Dry, Sunny, 28 Celsius

  • Australia - Dry, Sunny, 16 Celsius

  • Austria - Dry, partly cloudy, 9 Celsius

  • Azerbaijan - Dry, Sunny, 15 Celsius

  • Belgium - Dry, Cloudy, 8 Celsius

  • Bahrain - Dry, Sunny, 26 Celsius

  • Brazil - Dry, Cloudy, 19 Celsius

  • Canada - Dry, Cloudy, 7 Celsius

  • China - Dry, Cloudy, 15 Celsius

  • Europe - Dry, Sunny, 18 Celsius

  • France - Dry, Cloudy, 14 Celsius

  • Germany - Dry, Cloudy, 9 Celsius

  • Great Britain - Dry, Cloudy, 8 Celsius

  • Hungary - Dry, Sunny, 16 Celsius

  • Italy - (Light?) Rain, 1.6mm, 8 Celsius

  • Japan - Rain, 3.7mm Water, 13 Celsius

  • Malaysia - Dry, Sunny, 33 Celsius

  • Mexico - Dry, Sunny, 12 Celsius

  • Monaco - Dry, Cloudy, 14 Celsius

  • Singapore - Dry, cloudy, 31 Celsius

  • Russia - Dry, Sunny, 17 Celsius

  • Spain - Dry, Sunny, 18 Celsius

  • Turkey - Dry, partly cloudy, 25 Celsius

  • United States - Dry, Sunny, 8 Celsius

Important Note:
When setting up Wing and Ride Height the driver will ask for the correct settings for the live conditions.
For example, if you're setting up for Japan and it is dry when you're running practice laps the driver will ask for dry settings. But you already know that Japan is going to be wet with 3.7mm of water on the track. So it would make sense to adjust wing and ride height settings for rain and expect to run the race on Full Wet tyres.
Do Not buy Ideal setup if live conditions differ from the list posted above
Also a good idea not to claim day 7 daily reward
medal 5409
336 days ago
Hi Kevin, 
thanks for this information, for Japan by adjusting the wing and height for a wet race the lap is much slower if the height and wing are set when dry as requested by the pilot...... do you think it is better to set the same when wet since the game then takes into consideration what happens in the race?
medal 5078 Super Mod
336 days ago
To be honest, I'm not sure. I know the Japan race will be wet and gut feeling says if a wet setup is loaded into the race sim, then that should give better race pace.

You already know practice lap data gives variable lap times even when design, setup and tyre compound are fixed. So maybe it is this natural variation that is confusing the issue and suggesting to you that wet setup is slower.

But like I said up front, the honest answer is I don't know for sure. Maybe someone more knowledgeable than me can advise.
medal 5009
336 days ago
Just raced USA 8degs , med tyres barely heated up on full pushlevel .
medal 5226 CEO & CTO
335 days ago (Last edited by Jack Basford 335 days ago)
Hi everyone, sorry for the delayed response to this. I understand this must be a very frustrating issue. Thankfully, it's relatively minor in overall impact to the service. Everything is stable and running well.

This weather glitch happened at the most inconvenient time. I'm currently traveling to a few trade shows and events over this week in to next and only have my laptop with me to work on anything. I have attempted to fix this from my laptop, but it seems to have been broken by a recent windows update, and I'm not having much luck fixing it.

EDIT: Quick update, I seem to be getting somewhere on fixing the laptop, hopefully can make progress on this now.
medal 5226 CEO & CTO
335 days ago
I've just pushed an attempt at a fix to the live service. Please keep me informed as to whether (no pun intended) it is working.
medal 5000
335 days ago (Last edited by Gwen Stacy 335 days ago)
After checking the weather for a race (Brazil) in F1C. The weather seems to be working well now. The temperature displayed in the menu matches with the temp displayed after doing practice. The temps on the live races also matched with the temps displayed in the menu and practice. Kudos to the IGP Team for solving the issue quickly!

medal 5226 CEO & CTO
335 days ago
So, it looks like the weather should be okay until I get back to my office in a few days.

On another note, I'm heading to British GT at Oulton park tomorrow to round off my travels. If you want to see the racing and what I'm up to I'll be posting on If anyone's there feel free to add me on ig and we can meet up.
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