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Fuel pump and Tyre icon!

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medal 5001
333 days ago
Where does a buddy find info about these icons in racing leagues? 
There's nothing wrote in the league info screen about them, nor is there anything in the help section.
medal 5144 Super Mod
332 days ago
They refer to the setting of the refuelling and two tyre compound rules. I'm not sure where the explanation is written so I will explain below.

Refuelling rule (Petrol Pump icon):
If it is green refuelling is allowed at each pit stop during the race. If it is grey, refuelling during a pit stop is not permitted so you need to load enough fuel at the start of the race to take you to the end.

Tyre rule (Tyre icon):
If the icon is green you must use two different dry compounds in a dry race, if you fail to do this you will be disqualified and score no points. If it is grey there are no tyre restrictions.
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