Abbas Jawhar medal 4716 262 days ago
I wanted to know if there were any active league based on US time. Around 8-12pm EST. I keep joining dead leagues and want an active competitive league. Thank you in advance! If enough people are interested I can create one so comment below!
Gleyson Falavigna medal 6482 262 days ago (Last edited by
Gleyson Falavigna 262 days ago)
MTWTFSS at 03:00 |
50% race distance igp-car 2 cars per team 2.0x race speed |
| Rookie | Pro | Elite |
Teams | 13 | 12 | 16 |
Reputation | 5211 | 5263 | 5439 |
See league
Very active league with discord.
Abbas Jawhar medal 4716 262 days ago
Thank you!! I’ll join once my season over.