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Questions about my Engine

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medal 5000
321 days ago
Hey, guys. I’m pretty new and I have a few questions. I see that my engine will only last a certain amount of races. Does the performance decrease as the life of the engine decreases? If so, is that the same for all things that have a percentage like that?

Best Solution -- Selected by José Trujillo

medal 5038
321 days ago
Engine performance will drop after each race, if you want to have that extra performance then you should change them every race. In elite tiers that's the norm but the lower ones they can change every other race.
For best performance everything wants to be 100% for every race, that includes the drivers health as well as the car.
medal 5038
321 days ago
Engine performance will drop after each race, if you want to have that extra performance then you should change them every race. In elite tiers that's the norm but the lower ones they can change every other race.
For best performance everything wants to be 100% for every race, that includes the drivers health as well as the car.
medal 5000
321 days ago
Thanks. That makes sense 
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