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League Rating Issue

This thread is closed because it is solved.
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medal 5618
163 days ago
Hi, I am the host of Liga Fantasma, league ID 142253. It has come to my attention that players within my league are unable to rate my league. The star icon which normally appears to rate the league is not showing. Is there any possible reason why this is the case? Or could it be a bug? Thank you for any assistance with this.
medal 5052 Community Manager
163 days ago
Hey Mark,

Reported to the developer team. I’ll keep the topic open to report updates on this problem/bug.
medal 5618
134 days ago
Hi, sorry to trouble you. Players are still not able to give my league a rating. Just wondered if there is any updates on this bug please. Thank-you. 
medal 5025 CEO & CTO
133 days ago
I will look at this at some point next week. Thanks for reporting it.
medal 5052 Community Manager
116 days ago
Hey Mark,

Probably you realised already but this got fixed last week. Thanks again for your report!
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