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How to get a better driver

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medal 5016
313 days ago
can anyone help me out, I have been trying to find a good driver with higher talent but unfortunately the only talent that I can find is 2 or 3 in the transfer list 

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medal 5000
313 days ago
I'm currently working on writing a guide as to how this works in detail, but I'll provide a short explanation for the time being. 

The transfer market will show drivers according to your level. The best ones generated by the game will only have a talent rating similar to your manager level. However, if someone else sells a driver with a high talent but still at a low enough level for you to be able to buy it, it can show up in your transfer market. Unfortunately, that is a rare occurrence, and I would recommend looking to the youth academy.

While the YDA is a long term plan, it pays off in the end. By upgrading your YDA to a high level, you can get access to high talent drivers in a more likely way as opposed to the transfer market. While less drivers may show up, YDAs as low as level 15 or 16 can generate drivers with a talent of 30. I would recommend trying to level up your YDA as much as possible without sacrificing the other HQ buildings. Once your Design, Tech, and Manufacturing buildings are at a comfortable level, it's worth thinking about upgrading the YDA to get the ball rolling.
medal 5001
313 days ago
Have you tried checking your youth academy yet? I buy a lot from the transfer list; generally speaking, a talent level of 3 is the highest I've come across. I haven't yet unlocked Youth Academy, (I'm only a few XP from it, but not there right now) but from what I can tell, it should give you drivers with higher talent, although I imagine upgrading it couldn't hurt. You seem to be at a high enough level to check it, so I would. Can anyone else back me up on this?
medal 5000
313 days ago
I'm currently working on writing a guide as to how this works in detail, but I'll provide a short explanation for the time being. 

The transfer market will show drivers according to your level. The best ones generated by the game will only have a talent rating similar to your manager level. However, if someone else sells a driver with a high talent but still at a low enough level for you to be able to buy it, it can show up in your transfer market. Unfortunately, that is a rare occurrence, and I would recommend looking to the youth academy.

While the YDA is a long term plan, it pays off in the end. By upgrading your YDA to a high level, you can get access to high talent drivers in a more likely way as opposed to the transfer market. While less drivers may show up, YDAs as low as level 15 or 16 can generate drivers with a talent of 30. I would recommend trying to level up your YDA as much as possible without sacrificing the other HQ buildings. Once your Design, Tech, and Manufacturing buildings are at a comfortable level, it's worth thinking about upgrading the YDA to get the ball rolling.
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