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Shop- Token Price

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medal 5253
250 days ago
Was hast du versucht zu tun?
Looked up prices for token, so i can buy ingame Money, so i havent to Grind my way Back ?

Was ist stattdessen passiert?
The prices for the token were listed in €uro, and showed the false price. I only know because PayPal told me the real price before i agree the purchase.

Passierte das Problem, während du WLAN, Mobile Daten oder beides genutzt hast?

Ist dieser Fehler in der App, auf dem PC oder auf beiden Plattformen aufgetreten?

Welches Gerät?
Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 Pro

Welches Betriebssystem?

Auf welcher Version ist dein Betriebssystem?

Kann der Fehler wiederholt werden?
Yes but i dont know how. Sometimes when i Open the Shop the prices are all in € and wrong, or they are in £ and correct.

Zusätzlicher Kommentar:
I have a Screenshot, but cant Upload. So i will wrote down the prices from Shop.

6Token - 5,49€
40Token - 1,19€
85Token - 4,59€
180Token - 5,99€
500Token - 11,99€
1030Token - 1,09€
medal 5542 Community Manager
250 days ago
Hey Phil,

Thanks for the report, this is a known issue by Google Play developers. For the moment the way to fix it is to clear cache from the app settings.
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