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    medal 0
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XP bough but not credited

This thread is closed because it is solved.
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medal 5727
307 days ago (Last edited by Connor Cooper 307 days ago)
Below is the receipt of payment 


Loja de aplicativos

Gerenciador iGP - Corrida 3D
Oferta especial
Compra no aplicativo
Pedro Spinola
Reportar um problema
US$ 4,99


US$ 4,99

EDIT: A moderator has removed some information from this thread in order to protect personal information. Please see below for more information.
medal 5444 Super Mod
307 days ago
I am sorry to hear you've had an issue with in-app purchases.
I have removed some of the information in this thread in order to protect your personal information.

Please can you create a ticket on the Support Team's helpdesk where they will be able to assist you further. Please attach a screenshot of the receipt if possible and the Support Team will work to rectify this issue for you.

Thank you.
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