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Unreasonable Qualifying results

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medal 5512
302 days ago (Last edited by Hell Raiser 302 days ago)
Was hast du versucht zu tun?
Before the start of the new season i have reseted my car stats with an activated 5 stars acceleration CD, my motor is level 30 (strength acceleration, weakness fuel efficiency) and my driver is level 30, 191cms tall and maxed out as well.

Was ist stattdessen passiert?
In the first QF of the season  i had a 3/10 gap to the best qualifier on the same tyre compound, in the next 2 QFs the gap was nearly 5/10 and always had the worst starting position, although ive put 50 of 60 DPs in acceleration. This makes no sense to me and spoils the fun. In the race my car performs normal like always, its only the qualifying, which has a bug. Please take a look at this issue, thanks a lot

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Acer notebook and Xiaomi smartphone

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Windows 11 Pro

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In all browsers ive used

Kann der Fehler wiederholt werden?
Take a look at the Qualifying results, then its obvious. You can compare my car stats with the car stats of my competitors. 

Zusätzlicher Kommentar:
medal 5075
302 days ago
For the first race, the driver on pole had fav track which could explain the game. Following 2 races could do with how you developed your car.

You should try to compare your car with others and see what they didn’t differently, that might help you narrow down what the issue is.

Quali not making sense is something that happens, but I feel like their are other stuff involved in your case as well
medal 5512
302 days ago
For the first race, the driver on pole had fav track which could explain the game. Following 2 races could do with how you developed your car.

You should try to compare your car with others and see what they didn’t differently, that might help you narrow down what the issue is.

Quali not making sense is something that happens, but I feel like their are other stuff involved in your case as well

Thanks for your feedback, Ilmo, though not really helpful, when you point out to the guy, who had favorite drivers track in the first race, but OK, then explain to me the QF result in race 2 and 3. How can i have such a huge gap, when i have a maxed out driver plus 5 star acceleration CD plus level 30 acceleration engine and spent 50 of 60 DPs in acceleration not in cooling or reliability. Even the several DP saving guys have significant better QF times on the same tyre compound. 

If you think, iam dumb as a rock, then i can tell you, that i have finished Top 10 at the end of all of my seasons in the Discord World Championship (except of one season). And in the LXD i was P2 in the previous two seasons behind Big Georgie Emerson. 

Iam also not the one, who is complaining about any minor glitch (this is my first bug report since years), but maybe you can understand, that the current situation is quite frustrating. 


medal 4970
302 days ago
Hello Marcus.

I'm literally the worst one to help you with this as I have absolutely no clue about how qualifying works and how to develop a car but I know for a fact Acceleration spam doesn't always result in a good qualifying position cause there's a precise balancing of car attributes for every single track in the game.

You're right about the thing being bugged tho. There's some sort of unclarified dynamic in which cars on the same starting tyre will be split in two different groups. Something like 5 cars will lap around 1.20:500 and other 5 cars will lap around 1.20:700, for example. For no apparent reason. They call it a "split", I call it a bug. Maybe you were just unlucky those first 3 races to qualify in the bad part of the "split". More dedicated players can explain this dynamic much better than me I'm sure. And I hope they will do.

Since my very first day in the game, the way qualifying works has never been clear. Only a significantly better car will guarantee you a good qualifying position (remember how many poles I got last season as L26 after mega saving at the beginning of the season?). Other than that, it also depends on many other things when all cars have about the same total design as it can be the case in LXD with so many L29 and L30 cars. Surely depends on the way those dp are distributed across the car design, depends on the drivers height, drivers age, drivers experience. Also depends on fuel economy attribute. And I believe it also depends on the push level you set in your advanced strategy settings. And who knows on how many other things.

How to nail all of those things together to get the best possible results for your qualifying I really don't know, and honestly don't even care as I play this game with literally zero data but only listening to what I feel in the moment. But I know there are those many things to take into account when we talk about the qualifying session in this game so I don't think we should simply reduce everything into "it's a bug".
medal 5512
301 days ago
Hello Marcus.

I'm literally the worst one to help you with this as I have absolutely no clue about how qualifying works and how to develop a car but I know for a fact Acceleration spam doesn't always result in a good qualifying position cause there's a precise balancing of car attributes for every single track in the game.

You're right about the thing being bugged tho. There's some sort of unclarified dynamic in which cars on the same starting tyre will be split in two different groups. Something like 5 cars will lap around 1.20:500 and other 5 cars will lap around 1.20:700, for example. For no apparent reason. They call it a "split", I call it a bug. Maybe you were just unlucky those first 3 races to qualify in the bad part of the "split". More dedicated players can explain this dynamic much better than me I'm sure. And I hope they will do.

Since my very first day in the game, the way qualifying works has never been clear. Only a significantly better car will guarantee you a good qualifying position (remember how many poles I got last season as L26 after mega saving at the beginning of the season?). Other than that, it also depends on many other things when all cars have about the same total design as it can be the case in LXD with so many L29 and L30 cars. Surely depends on the way those dp are distributed across the car design, depends on the drivers height, drivers age, drivers experience. Also depends on fuel economy attribute. And I believe it also depends on the push level you set in your advanced strategy settings. And who knows on how many other things.

How to nail all of those things together to get the best possible results for your qualifying I really don't know, and honestly don't even care as I play this game with literally zero data but only listening to what I feel in the moment. But I know there are those many things to take into account when we talk about the qualifying session in this game so I don't think we should simply reduce everything into "it's a bug".

Thanks a lot for your detailled comment and i know, that you really know, how to develop a car during the season, since you had by far the most poles in the previous season in our league :-)

Qualifying results are one of the big myths in IGP, no one can exactly tell you, how this stuff really works, but when i have everything maxed out and spend 30 DP´s before the second race, which was in Brazil, then i cant understand, why i have a big gap to guys which have saved 30 DP´s, this is what i want to say. I always thought, that the QF has nothing to do with random figures, its always the combination of driver and car. Iam not an expert, but these 3 QFs make no sense to me, therefore i wish, that at least one of the IGP staff guys, will enlighten me.

You pointed out, that a balanced car is a good idea, but how can you have a balanced car on race # 1 to race # 3? No one will split the DP´s in more than 2 categories, because then you have a lack in research, especially with the higher levels, where it quite tricky to generate at least some research points in one categore, if you dont save your DP´s in the first couple of races.

BR and have a great sunday!


medal 5130
301 days ago

Thanks a lot for your detailled comment and i know, that you really know, how to develop a car during the season, since you had by far the most poles in the previous season in our league :-)

But that's only because I was L26 and had the highest total dp in my car design for a while, not because I actually know how to properly develop a car. I know how to make a high total dp car during a season but I don't know how to develop it track by track and I think that's something which makes a difference.

If I was L30 I'd never have had the best car last season.
I got many poles but only won 2 races (fav track and a wet race with no drs), that's actually pretty poor considering I had the "most developed" car for many races. I made a lot of mistakes with design and strategies. And this season won't be any different, you will see. Or maybe even worse. Also because I levelled up to 27 and my teammate is on vacation and never showed up so far so I'm just gambling everything all alone for now, I did a Downforce reset and first race of the season was my driver's fav track but it obviously went bad as expected so that's already one chance to win gone.

BTW, never trust anything I say cause I'm probably just saying a huge amount of BS. I hope other players with more knowledge than me can give you the answers you're looking for.
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