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Talent stat

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medal 5873
295 days ago
Hi, does talent impact a drivers race pace or is it purely about how fast they develop through training?

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medal 5019
294 days ago
Hi, does talent impact a drivers race pace or is it purely about how fast they develop through training?

Talent doesn’t impact training afaik, talent is a non-trainable attribute which works a bit like a multiplier for driving skills. So it affects race pace big time.

I should point out, there are some who believe talent works like a placebo, they believe talent doesn’t do anything. I encourage those to try competitive racing.
medal 5019
294 days ago
Hi, does talent impact a drivers race pace or is it purely about how fast they develop through training?

Talent doesn’t impact training afaik, talent is a non-trainable attribute which works a bit like a multiplier for driving skills. So it affects race pace big time.

I should point out, there are some who believe talent works like a placebo, they believe talent doesn’t do anything. I encourage those to try competitive racing.
medal 5873
294 days ago
So mainly focus on getting drivers with high talent basically?
medal 5019
294 days ago

So mainly focus on getting drivers with high talent basically?


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