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500k Track-adapted Engines

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medal 4925
289 days ago

The default iGP engines are good for a debut (I've started when engines manufacturing was not able), but they're quite limited in the development.
In the whole team I have the cheapest engines (I can't go under 500k€), so what I propose you know is to become a customer of my engine ! 

There are many reasons to do so :

  • With 2 teams racing, engines will get 2 development points every race, so growing will be faster ;

  • In the medium-term, they will be a very good quality/price rate ;

  • While I'm the « higher » team between us, I can take care of engines development and take decisions for improving performances on specific tracks - that you'd like I develop -, and then you don't get a too high financial risk compared to your team finances ;

  • With a better engine, you'll get more money from sponsors, because your results will get better ;

  • Most of the teams have 1M€ engines, which is imho too much ;

  • Chassis are an upcoming feature - according to iGP staff -, we will be able to continue our partnership and improve together our performances ! 

To buy an engine, just go on my profile > engine icon.

I hope it will convince you, anyway I wish you good luck for your future championships :)

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