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Staff / Drivers Autofill

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medal 5000
8 years 152 days ago
Maybe we can bring back Staff / Drivers refill option for teams with economical issues.
So they can get rating 1 Drivers and Staff with Basic wages (100k per race for Drivers & 50k per race for Staff).
Because if a team is broke can't bid on anything i guess.

Thanks in advance
medal 5000
8 years 152 days ago
They do auto fill with one star staff if and when your contracts expire. The system won't let you sell or sack staff if it means you don't have drivers or staff to race.
medal 5000
8 years 152 days ago
They do auto fill with one star staff if and when your contracts expire. The system won't let you sell or sack staff if it means you don't have drivers or staff to race.

i joined a new league because i lost patience with the one i was in before. i only had one driver and no ability to get another one at the time. having a free basic driver with crap skills would at the very least be nice to have and the contract only lasts for how many races are left on a season when joining a new league, at least until you can replace them. automatically filled in.
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