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Dsq and not able to change tyres

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medal 5707
278 days ago
What did you try to do?
Tried to change tyres at the start as it was now 0.0 after being 1.1 at set up wouldn't let me change ,2 options wet or inters, then got dsq although I used two tyres in dry.

What happened instead?
See above, tried to change tyres from tool bar at bottom and top ,I was on line 3 mins before the race.

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What is the model of your device?
Samsung A52

What is the operating system?

What is the version number of the operating system?

Can the bug be reproduced?
Not sure

Additional comments:
Joke of a game now ,can't change tyres at start then get dsq although I ran two separate tyres in the dry inters and meds, I'd set up for m,m,m,h
medal 5110 Super Mod
278 days ago
Hi Simon, the best place to change the tyres in the race viewer on the grid is in the strategy management menu, which is the hammer and spanner Icon. From there you should be able to move left from stint 2 to stint 1 and change tyres, although dry tyres will only be possible if you have set up your strategy and advanced strategy in the way required.

I'm not sure if not being able to change the tyres on the bar at the bottom is a bug or not, for me that always displays the next pit stops options, but i'm aware it does work for others in the way you describe. The easiest way to tell is based on what tyres it's showing you. if you can see all 6 tyres compounds, then it is for your next pitstop and not for grid change. In which case you need to follow the steps above.

The dry weather rule is that for a dry weather race you must use two dry compound tyres. inters do not count. Had there been water on the circuit at any point during the race you would not have been disqualified.
medal 5707
278 days ago
This was the thing there was 0.1mm on track when I tried to change tyres, the only option I had was wet and inters with 0.01 on the track which is off know use to me, low and behold as soon as the race started it was dry, so I have been penalised for not being able to put on the tyres I wanted, then 1 lap on the wrong tyres then after all that I was dsq , what a waste of time ? 
Even better and I'd love you to explain this ,horner gp who this also happened too, did the same stint as me inters and all mediums and guess what ? He didn't get disqualified!
medal 5110 Super Mod
278 days ago (Last edited by Red Craigie 278 days ago)
Hi Simon.

Ah ok, so I can help with this a little, only having wet tyres available is most likely down to strategy set up.

You will be offered the choice of the following tyres for the start:

Compound planned for stint 1

If the compound planned for stint 1 is inters or wets, you only have two choices. To have the option of a dry tyre, you need to fit inters (or wets) through the use of advanced strategy. I always have it on and set to 0.0mm inters (and for the second section my preference is to have it set to 0 laps and inters)

However, if you did have a dry tyre planned for stint 1, please let me know. That might be a bug.

I'll look into horner GP

Edit: Looked into it. Yes that is very strange. I'll flag that for attention, either neither of you should have been disqualified or both of you.
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