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Recover old drivers and staff

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medal 5000
268 days ago
I had a driver and a CD with just one race left on their contract and when I tried to extend their contracts it wouldn’t let me, so I was wondering if there is any way possible I can rebuy them or something, I invested lots of resources and time training the driver and the CD was from a special offer so I lost my money.
medal 5144 Super Mod
268 days ago
Flagged for support to review.
medal 5073 SUPPORT AGENT
267 days ago
Hello Nicolás, 

My apologies for the problem you've had. In order to return you the driver and CD I need you to provide me with the link of both of them. 
medal 5000
267 days ago
How do I access said link? As I said the contract expired, so I don’t currently have them on my team and I don’t know if there is an option to see old staff, like a staff history or something. Also I normally play on the iOS app, but if it is required I can access from the web or install the android app in case it has something to do with the iOS version or there is something that must be done on another platform.
medal 5737 Moderator
267 days ago
Was it this driver ?
medal 5000
267 days ago
Yeah! How did you manage to find it? Thank you a lot
medal 5144 Super Mod
267 days ago
You should get into the habit of shortlisting any staff or drivers you don't want to lose. This allows you to easily find them if you get into the same situation in the future.

Drivers are relatively easy to find by looking at previous race results, it's not possible to find staff in this way.
medal 5000
266 days ago
Oh ok, I’ll do it from now on. So basically the only way to recover my driver would be by talking to the other manager and reaching an agreement to rebuy it, but for the CD there is no way of having it back by rebuying it or something, right? In case there is no way to recover it with in game currency I’d like to have the opportunity to buy it with real money again, like a special offer. In the end it was only 0.99€, but it was pretty good and I lost it so if there is any way possible of recovering it or having something similar I’d be interested. 
Thank you a lot for the help you’ve given me btw, I’ll shortlist my drivers and staff from now on.
medal 5144 Super Mod
266 days ago
If you can find your CD and he/she hasn't been bought by another manager you should be able to buy back for 9 tokens.

However, in  your first post you said that you lost the driver and CD because of a game glitch not allowing you to extend their contracts. If this is the case I would hope the support team would intervene and make good the situation.

If you lost them because of user error than I'm afraid you're probably  going to have to live with the consequences of the mistake.

I will escalate the thread once more to iGP Support.
medal 5000
266 days ago
Thank you, I’ll keep searching for the CD while I wait for an answer of the support team. Once again thank you a lot for the help and the amiability.
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