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Comparing drivers

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medal 5832
262 days ago
Is there an obvious formula that would help compare drivers, aside from stat for stat?
As in, my first driver has talent 1 but better stats overall whereas I'm training one with better talent who ofc is worse  than my main in everything else.
From what I've been reading, talent acts as a multiplier of sorts, but nobody seems to know to which degree exactly...

I'm just trying to understand at what point I can switch between the two without serious negative effects on my race results (and hoping it won't be only when driver #2 has the exact same stats as #1).

Thank you!
medal 5118 Super Mod
262 days ago
Hi Tudor

I'm not aware of any formula. You could try running practice laps with each of the drivers to try get a gauge on the lap time difference between the two, but it will be more complicated than that due to the mentals impact on consistency etc.

As a personal opinion though, the bigger the gap in talent, the earlier in the scale that driver will become faster than the one with 1 talent.

I would guess they are probably fairly close already but 1 or two practice laps with each should help you make a judgement yourself.
medal 5832
262 days ago
Didn’t think about that, many thanks!
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