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Drs not working

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medal 5792
246 days ago
What did you try to do?
I tried to leave the league and join again because i was thinking it will reset the car and the drs will work but it didn't

What happened instead?
At the start of the season when the perfomances are so close i saw when i have drs and the driver behind me has drs too he is overtaking me so easy because i don't get the speed from the drs,is just like no drs

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What is the model of your device?
It is a samsung galaxy a12(SM-A127F/DSN)

What is the operating system?

What is the version number of the operating system?
The version of the Android is 13

What operating system is your PC?
Windows 10

Which browser did you experience the problem in?
Not browser,i installed the app

Can the bug be reproduced?
It happens every race

Additional comments:
medal 5144 Super Mod
246 days ago
Which account are you posting about? With this account you have been in your current league since last September, no evidence of you leaving recently.

The answer to your question probably lies in your Technology Centre. If it is low level or if you didn't purchase upgrades when you levelled up the facility then your DRS and Boost will be low.
medal 5792
246 days ago
oh...ok,i didn't upgrade the technology so much it is only abit,i didn't know it makes the drs more powerfull.Thank you!Sorry for that ,i didn't know
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