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Forum tab/window resize

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medal 5717
233 days ago
When i go to Forum the tab/window is at 225%, it's just the forum for some reason. Everything I've tried has worked until i refresh or reopen it. I think it has something to do with the 'Play now' cookie. Cheers in advance. 

medal 5717
226 days ago
No ideas? 
medal 5144 Super Mod
226 days ago
I missed this first time around. I'll mention it to the Devs, they might have an answer.

Edit: Please can you open a topic on the Bugs section and fill out the complete form. Thanks.
medal 5717
225 days ago

I missed this first time around. I'll mention it to the Devs, they might have an answer.

Edit: Please can you open a topic on the Bugs section and fill out the complete form. Thanks.

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