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Sponsor money for 2 car league

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medal 5832
230 days ago
I’ve only been part of leagues with 1 car so far.
I understand that competing in a 2-car league means more costs (logical) for both the cars and the drivers.
However, I was wondering if there was any change in the sponsor payout? Otherwise I wouldn’t see much point in competing with 2 cars if the reward is the same (I did read that you only get one set of objectives, so that’s a bit odd).
medal 5437 Super Mod
230 days ago

Sponsor payout is the same for teams in one car and two car leagues. 
Achieving your race objective is required in order to receive the "Bonus" part of your sponsor payments.

There have been discussions relating to rebalancing sponsor payouts for 1 and 2 car leagues, however nothing has been confirmed. Feel free to suggest it in the Suggestions subforum and propose your potential improvements to the Sponsorship section of iGP Manager.

Thank you.

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