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Restarted races

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medal 5792
230 days ago
Why, on the bug forum, restarted races are categorized as unreproducible?I don't think is ok to do that because this bug is still here and many leagues experienced that,they are still happening,you can't say they are unreproducible.
Are you doing that because you can request for rerun?
medal 5118 Super Mod
230 days ago (Last edited by Red Craigie 230 days ago)
Unreproducible means that it is not possible to follow a set of defined actions to consistently reproduce the bug.

For example there was a bug on pit crew deployment where the changes to your targeted training would stop saving and stay that way until you cleared the cache. Eventually we found that it was possible to reproduce the bug by entering the training screen in a specific manner.

If you have a method that will force a race to restart every single time, please let us know. Otherwise by definition it is not reproducible.

Hope that makes sense for you :)
medal 5792
230 days ago

Unreproducible means that it is not possible to follow a set of defined actions to consistently reproduce the bug.

For example there was a bug on pit crew deployment where the changes to your targeted training would stop saving and stay that way until you cleared the cache. Eventually we found that it was possible to reproduce the bug by entering the training screen in a specific manner.

If you have a method that will force a race to restart every single time, please let us know. Otherwise by definition it is not reproducible.

Hope that makes sense for you :)

Thank you!Idk how to restart a race and i will not try to do that?.

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