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After losing the server connection, the driver keeps using the boost

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medal 5006
221 days ago
What did you try to do?
I tried to use boost

What happened instead?
I lost the connection to the server at the time the boost button was pressed, and when reconnected back after few seconds, the driver has already used all the avilable boost.

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What operating system is your PC?
Win 11

Which browser did you experience the problem in?
PC game

Can the bug be reproduced?

Additional comments:
medal 5110 Super Mod
221 days ago
If you lose connection while sending a boost signal to the game, unfortunately that signal will remain until your connection is recognised as terminated, or re-established.

It's unfortunate timing but it I don't think it can be viewed as a bug, this behaviour I think is quite common for signal / connection loss (maintain previous input until connection confirmed as lost)
medal 5006
221 days ago (Last edited by Anakin Skywalker 221 days ago)
While it might be common for other games, I personally believe it is not the best approach when handling the signal stale/loss cases, especially if the user input here is quite limited with several interactions.

I think the game client should preserve the inputs of the user in some temporary buffers in this case, and send them only when the connection is online. The server side, on its side, should not make "let's hope the client will reconnect soon and until then perform the last action" assumptions/actions.
medal 5110 Super Mod
221 days ago
I'm afraid you are beyond my knowledge of what is technically possible / not possible there, so I can't comment on your proposals feasibility, sounds nice though, would it introduce a delay in response time though?

However it is not a bug, it is a consequence of losing your connection while boosting.
medal 5006
221 days ago
I am not familiar with the implementation of the game, but I do not see how the delay would be introduced.

Regarding the bug. An issue in program does not necessarily mean it is a bug. It could be an unoptimized part, it could be bad approach to things, which, it seems like, is the case here.

So, to conclude in one sentence:
Is it the most convenient and cheapest approach? Maybe, depending on the implementation.
Is it the best and most reliable approach? I do not think so.
medal 5685 Community Manager
221 days ago
While it might be common for other games, I personally believe it is not the best approach when handling the signal stale/loss cases, especially if the user input here is quite limited with several interactions.

I think the game client should preserve the inputs of the user in some temporary buffers in this case, and send them only when the connection is online. The server side, on its side, should not make "let's hope the client will reconnect soon and until then perform the last action" assumptions/actions.

Hey Anakin,

The server does not assume so. The server keeps getting the input of boost button pressed. The only alternative to make this doable and satisfy your request is to make 1% of boost usage per every tap/click, I'm sure other managers would find this unpleasant or unnecessary, even more during a boost war.

I move to the right subforum since this is not a bug.
medal 5006
221 days ago
Hi Jose,

It seems like you did not completely get what I was trying to say.
Why does the server keep getting the input button command, if there is a connection issue? How is that possible? The previous aswer seemed more reasonable for me, because it stated that the server remembers the last input and keeps doing it until the connection comes back.

And If the alternative way to implement it you said is the only one(I highly doubt about that), then there's a clear issue with the game, which is a big but rare one, and I understand why you would not investigate it.
medal 5685 Community Manager
221 days ago
Hey Anakin,

The server is not aware of that issue because the device doesn’t send that signal, it can’t send it because the signal is lost from the device.

I understand your frustration but it has nothing to do with our system, your device did lose the connection, not our server. I can only ask you to find a better and more responsive network!
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