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medal 6090
209 days ago

TD ability Design:
Common: One extra Design Point to tune your car on an attribute up to your choice.
Rare: Two extra Design Points to tune your car on an attribute up to your choice.
Legendary: Three extra Design Points to tune your car on an attribute up to your choice.

How it works?
1. Gives you extra points when researching?
2. Gives extra design points at the start of the season?
medal 5437 Super Mod
209 days ago

The Design Special Ability for a Technical Director works in a similar way to a supplier (eg, Murk). 
It will add a predetermined amount to an attribute and this will always be the same value - it does not change race by race or season by season.

When you purchase the Special Ability, you will see a drop down menu. This menu allows you to pick one of the eight available attributes (Acceleration, Braking, Handling, Downforce, Fuel Economy, Tyre Economy, Cooling or Reliability). 

Depending on the rarity of the ability chosen (Common, Rare or Legendary), you will receive a bonus of 1,2 or 3 DP respectively in the attribute that you chose. 

The attribute bonus will remain in place until you sell the TD (or it leaves your team due to a contract expiration). 
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