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medal 5007
208 days ago
Thanks for new feature but where can I get the Special Ability for my current TD?
1) Is it through hiring new TD (either through the transfer market or from Heaquaters ) that has the Special Ability?
2) Is it through purchase from somewhere to add on to the current TD?

Best Solution -- Selected by José Trujillo

medal 5033
208 days ago

Thanks for new feature but where can I get the Special Ability for my current TD?
1) Is it through hiring new TD (either through the transfer market or from Heaquaters ) that has the Special Ability?
2) Is it through purchase from somewhere to add on to the current TD?

Go to your current TD then ?

medal 5033
208 days ago

Thanks for new feature but where can I get the Special Ability for my current TD?
1) Is it through hiring new TD (either through the transfer market or from Heaquaters ) that has the Special Ability?
2) Is it through purchase from somewhere to add on to the current TD?

Go to your current TD then ?

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