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New TD question

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medal 5294
208 days ago
Sorry but I’m struggling to understand the new TD.
Do we now need five TDs? Do we have to rotate them all the time between practice and race? When’s the best time to have which one?
How do we know which ability they have?
This announcement was so vague!
medal 5737 Moderator
208 days ago
Having 5 TD is not mandatory but you can use from 1 to 5 TD. You can have TD with different abilities or decide to have several TD with the same ability. Bonus provided by several TD are stacked.
No need to rotate, they are all active at the same time.
medal 5294
207 days ago
Thank you. 
As my team is just about breaking even, can’t afford more than one TD at the moment, but I thought when you had more than one the ‘change’ was needed to make one staff active and the others were back up. Maybe that’s changed with the TDs now?
medal 5737 Moderator
207 days ago
Yes, before the update you could have only 1 active TD and others were back up.
Nowadays all TD are active.
Only true for TD, not the case for CD.
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