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[BUG] Possible tyre not showing proper % of waste during free trainings?

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medal 6315
202 days ago (Last edited by Ruymán Atique teimporta 202 days ago)
¿Qué has intentado hacer?
FREE TRAINING tyre usage per lap seemed bugged. It's not changing a single 1% despite using the engine and tyres to increase/decrease the max difference: Aroung plus or less 60 points.

¿Qué es lo que ocurrió?
I compared my % of SS waste per lap against a fellow member of my league. His points were 26 in "Tyre Saving", mine were 165.

In race both SS tyres lasted the same laps on previous events despite this difference.

Is "Tyre saving" working at all?

¿El problema ocurrió mientras usaba wi-fi, datos móviles o ambos?
Mobile data/Wifi

¿El error se produjo en la app, en PC o en ambos?

¿Cuál es el modelo de su dispositivo?

¿Qué sistema operativo posee?

¿Cuál es el número de versión del sistema operativo?

¿Se puede reproducir el error?
Se sigue repitiendo cada carrera.

Comentarios adicionales:
Más claridad respecto al consumo de gomas, y más fiabilidad de las medidas con respecto a los atributos de diseño del monoplaza.
medal 5110 Super Mod
202 days ago
Hello Ruyman.

This is most likely not a bug. In my experience 60 points is rarely enough to produce a 1% change in tyre wear, unless you are starting from an extremely low number (20 or less.)
medal 6315
201 days ago

Hello Ruyman.

This is most likely not a bug. In my experience 60 points is rarely enough to produce a 1% change in tyre wear, unless you are starting from an extremely low number (20 or less.)

That's what I said... The difference between a fellow member and myself is around 140 with everything on the tyre saving. Still not even 1% difference in the SS... What I mean by 60% is that I tried to get those extra points (up to 165+) in tyre saving to see if 1% in tyre waste was achieved... 

In the past that was more than possible, even 2% on high waste circuits, but now... not even a dent.
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