The Myth medal 5065 166 days ago (Last edited by
The Myth 166 days ago)
Cheers ,I didn't realise the fuel rounded up ,so that should help straight away ?
I can't emphasis enough the need to gather data/take notes. Saves you a lot of time really.
I normally don't elaborate on these kind of posts because I believe part of the fun is discovering the solutions to the puzzles ourselves, but I don't want you to quit ?.
1. The only factor (well major factor) that affects your fuel load/use is your push level which is directly tied to the weather.
2. Fuel currently rounds up (2.01 = 2.1), this way every player is guaranteed to finish their races.
My suggestions:
1. Take note of the season (summer/winter), only those 2 extremes matter.
2. Run every race in a your calendar using the default information (without adding or subtracting extras) you get from your practice laps.
3. See the excess/deficit after each race, note it down and retest with this new information for the next time you are on that track (during the same season i.e winter/summer). You should be bang on.
It's definitely not a guessing game and you should never play it as such.