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Problem with the review

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medal 4511
195 days ago
Hi, i have a problem with the review in the game. I have 4.5 stars dt and cd, which gives me 4.5 stars research. But still, for some reason, the maximum research power is 20% and not 52% as it should be. 20% with just one ticked attribute. What is the problem?
medal 5110 Super Mod
195 days ago
Hi Roberto

20% is the maximum available at L25. Previously it would have been 25% but this was changed on the same day the blog was released, 10th July 2024. Research now moves in 2% steps instead of 3% steps.

At no point should it ever have been 52% but possibly that is supposed to say 25?
medal 4511
195 days ago

Hi Roberto

20% is the maximum available at L25. Previously it would have been 25% but this was changed on the same day the blog was released, 10th July 2024. Research now moves in 2% steps instead of 3% steps.

At no point should it ever have been 52% but possibly that is supposed to say 25?

I remember it being 52%. But ok, thx
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