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Request of advice for push level and boost management

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medal 5025
192 days ago
Hi Racer X, you have to increase the boost level in the corners and decrease it on the straights because in iGP Manager the tires heat up less in the corners and on the straights they heat up more. The boost is a tool in the race that each manager has his own way of using, my recommendation is that you use it only to not lose the DRS, to pass to slower cars that are blocking you and logically in the last lap everything that you have left. Each race you will improve little by little and you will realize how to manage the push level and the boost. Greetings.
medal 5019
192 days ago
LOVE this game !!!

Even though I am NOT the best manager I'm still collecting data to improve !!!
I think I need to understand how to use the PUSH levels and the boost to master the race !!!

Thanks a lot to make my LIFE better !!!


Best push harder in corners, less on straights. But your aim should always be to keep tyre temperature just a bit above the middle. So just play around with push level and create your own style of play

Boost imo is best used to get drs or keep in drs range. Again, feel free to play around and create your own style. My style seems to be to boost just a tad too late so that makes me lose out on drs by the smallest of margins ?

Edit: Luis beat me to it ? luckily answer is roughly the same
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