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Pit crew grey salary

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medal 5564
189 days ago
Hello !

I have some trouble to understand my pit crew’s stats

When I was in beginner and pro I paid them at max and trained them everyday at full level (red stars)

But now I’m in elite and I had to paid them less to stay in the budget

Ever since, I can only edit the salary of the left rear all the others are greyed out and even I can edit the salary the stats won’t changes

Any ideas ?
medal 5203
189 days ago (Last edited by Hein Gummi 189 days ago)
Same with me. Therefore the staff moral is stuck at 21. I suppose we can develop the staffs moral again after leveling up. 

Just checked and can confirm that only parts of my staff (all but left rear) stopped leveling up although they all have reached a moral of 21 already. might be a rounding issue and that they will stop developing as well soon?

If I reduce the salary of the staff that stoped developing (left rear crew), the value of the "Variance" goes up. If I reduce the salary of the staff that is said to be developing, there are no changes in any value. It looks like it makes no difference if I reduce the salary or not (I won't reduce because I don't trust the numbers). Just like you were describing, they are greyed out. I can only change the values of the left rear crew.  
medal 5564
189 days ago
I’m stuck at 14 moral and 18 in others stats

I’ll try to not train them to see if it will change something
medal 5203
189 days ago
Well, then let me know what happens  ;o)   

Maybe a Mod could give a hint as well. To me it looks like a potential issue.
medal 5564
186 days ago

Well, then let me know what happens  ;o)   

Maybe a Mod could give a hint as well. To me it looks like a potential issue.

I came back ! I think i may have it !
As my crew was red stars due to full training, they don't loose stats but are stuck in moral.
As long as you keep them trained you can pay them low.

3 days without training they passes in 4,5 yellow stars and i was able to up their salary !
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