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[BUG] Repurchasing old pilot of mine (favourite list) got discounted 43 tokens, still no pilot, and it was priced 9

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medal 6302
179 days ago (Last edited by Ruymán Atique teimporta 179 days ago)
¿Qué has intentado hacer?
Tried to click on the PILOT A. Sanchez: driver&id=********* and nothing happened. Shown as available to repurchase on my favourite list that I added him after I sold it

¿Qué es lo que ocurrió?
when I switched back to the home screen I heard the "cheecheen" from the usage of tokens and saw I got down from 74 or so to 29 now... And still didn't got the pilot

¿El problema ocurrió mientras usaba wi-fi, datos móviles o ambos?

¿El error se produjo en la app, en PC o en ambos?

¿Qué sistema operativo posee su PC?
Linux Ubuntu

¿En qué navegador ha experimentado el problema?

¿Se puede reproducir el error?
Yes it can be repeated. I did 1 time the same thing just to confirm it was the reason of the discounted tokens amount.

Comentarios adicionales:
Please reimburse the lost tokens that this made me lose, and if possible, discount me the 9 tokens but give it back to my account, which was my initial intent
medal 5073 SUPPORT AGENT
179 days ago
Hello Ruymán,

I'm sorry for the problem you have had. I've refunded the tokens that were deducted from your account.
medal 6302
179 days ago

Hello Ruymán,

I'm sorry for the problem you have had. I've refunded the tokens that were deducted from your account.

Thank you. How can I reacquire the pilot now? It should allow me now? Should I try? Or not.
medal 5110 Super Mod
179 days ago
Hi Ruyman

I don't believe the bug is fixed yet, so there's a good chance you would just lose the tokens again right now.
medal 6302
179 days ago

Hi Ruyman

I don't believe the bug is fixed yet, so there's a good chance you would just lose the tokens again right now.

Ok. I'll wait a couple of days, or even weeks... Just to be on the clear.
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