Ma Pa medal 5195 146 days ago
Hi Managers,
yesterday I lost one of my two pilots because I didn’t notice the contract expiration. I tried to repurchase him, but every time I clicked the "buy" button, the screen froze. Despite multiple attempts, I couldn't complete the purchase.
When I restarted the system, I noticed I had only 2 tokens left. Each click deducted 9 tokens (the pilot's cost), even though the screen was frozen, leaving me without tokens.
Please resolve this issue and return the lost tokens (about 100).
Without them, I’ll have to quit the game.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Red Craigie medal 5186 Super Mod 146 days ago
Flagged for support.
There is an ongoing bug related to signing staff from the free contract area, sorry for the inconvenience.
Ovih Sapiens medal 5071 SUPPORT AGENT 146 days ago
I'm sorry for the problem you had.
I've refunded your overspent tokens and added the driver you tried to sign to your team.
Darth Vader medal 5181 146 days ago
I lost my driver robinson the same wy and same thing happeneed to me. Please let me have robinson back and my coins
Red Craigie medal 5186 Super Mod 146 days ago
I lost my driver robinson the same wy and same thing happeneed to me. Please let me have robinson back and my coins
Please raise a new report for this.